Who had more wives? King Henry VIII or Genghis Khan?

King Henry VIII (1491-1547) had six wives. It appears that many women jumped at the chance of becoming the queen of England, but it didn’t work out well for them. What happened to his wives? He divorced two of them (one because he reportedly found her to be too ugly). He executed two more of them. He had another wife arrested and jailed but later released. And one died from a complication following childbirth. He had several mistresses during his thirty-six-year reign. Total acknowledged children: Three legitimate and one illegitimate.

Genghis Kahn (1162-1227) had at least fourteen wives of high rank whose names we know. There were many lesser wives as well. Only the four sons of his first wife, Börte, were considered to succeed him. That was probably a good idea because it is estimated he had another 500 concubines who also bore him children. Genghis Khan is believed to be the most prolific patriarch in history with an estimated 16 million descendants living today! 

King Henry VIII makes a brief appearance in my novel Daughter of the Sky and Genghis Khan provides the background in my novel Power of the Sky. Order both now on Amazon!